Film stills. The Cradle.
The Cradle
HD video, duration: 7min51s
Looking into plant migrations the Cradle explores botanical gardens, herbariums and plant science in the age of the Anthropocene. The act of planting happens after displanting: plants, animals, humans. Notions of native, non native, invasive and endemic species are defined by a botanist or a gardener, engaging in reshaping, recreating, reprogramming nature, either through an act of arrogance or an act of godlike creation. The Cradle engages with the plant kingdom through amateur means: observing, recording, mimicking. It is a consciously non scientific meditation on migration, climate change, extinction and a search for new ways of coexisting in potential new ecologies.
The Cradle combines original footage from south and north of Europe, cyanotypes, robotic text to speech voice and filmed projections.
Made in Scotland and France, during the exchange residency with Street Level Photoworks and Centre Photographique Marseille in 2018.
Supported by Street Level Photoworks, Glasgow City Council and Hope Scott Trust.
With many thanks to dr. Catherine Kidner and dr. Michelle Hart at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh.
HD video, duration: 7min51s
Looking into plant migrations the Cradle explores botanical gardens, herbariums and plant science in the age of the Anthropocene. The act of planting happens after displanting: plants, animals, humans. Notions of native, non native, invasive and endemic species are defined by a botanist or a gardener, engaging in reshaping, recreating, reprogramming nature, either through an act of arrogance or an act of godlike creation. The Cradle engages with the plant kingdom through amateur means: observing, recording, mimicking. It is a consciously non scientific meditation on migration, climate change, extinction and a search for new ways of coexisting in potential new ecologies.
The Cradle combines original footage from south and north of Europe, cyanotypes, robotic text to speech voice and filmed projections.
Made in Scotland and France, during the exchange residency with Street Level Photoworks and Centre Photographique Marseille in 2018.
Supported by Street Level Photoworks, Glasgow City Council and Hope Scott Trust.
With many thanks to dr. Catherine Kidner and dr. Michelle Hart at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh.

©Kotryna Ula Kiliulyte 2023 kotrynaula@gmail.com